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Kanchanar Guggulu Benefits

Kanchanar Guggulu is a ayurvedic formulation widely used in treating several health disorders and also have several health benefits. It is prepared as per ayurveda sidhanta.

  1. It is mostly used in all types of diseases which happens due to excess accumulation of Kapha in body. It has properties like hot potency and pungent, astringent in taste.
  2. It has also shown good results in case of Cancers of various types along with other ayurvedic medicines like Heerak bhasma and package of cancer from Swami Ramdev.
  3. Kanchanar Guggulu has been also used traditionally for overcoming conditions such as Sore throat & Hemorrhoids
  4. Kanchanar Guggulu is also effective in controlling obesity and to reduce excess fat from the body due to its scrapping action.
  5. It helps to reduce extra growth of abscess, tissues, fibreadenoma, cysta, fibroids, goiter and endometriosis.
  6. Kanchanar Guggulu is used widely in Ayurveda for healing thyroid disorders. Clinical trials have proven excellent results in  treating both Hypo and hyperthyroidism
  7. Research works has concluded that this product has capability to break kapha accumulation in several parts of the body, which acts as block in normal functioning. 
  8. It mainly acts on the pitta and kapha dosa of the body.
  9. The product easily helps in flushing lymphatic system of toxins, sluggishness and accumulated wastes.
  10. It helps in destruction of toxin that is produced by imbalance in body fire. 

1 comment:

  1. Kanchanar Guggulu is commonly used for obesity and swelling especially in throat related problems in Ayurvedic practise. It is widely used for hypothyroidism with promising results. It reduces the increased Kapha, medas and improves the metabolism which is mainly responsible for the disorder. It is antinflammatory which can be used in swelling due to inflammatory arthritis. Good results are also seen in using for sinusitis, fistula and skin diseases with swelling and oozing. The srapping action enanbles its use in cysts, bulky uterus, fibroids, tumours, lipomas and in cancers. Based on the condition it is very effective when used along with medicines like Varunadi Kasayam.
