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Kanchanar Guggulu

Kanchanara guggulu is a classical ayurvedic medicine, which is available in tablet form. This medicine is commonly prescribed for overcoming conditions such as goiter, thyroid and tumors. It is recommended to be taken along with decoctions, arishtas, or luke warm water. General dosage of this medicine shall be 2 tablets twice daily after food. The chief ingredients present in this preparation are Bauhinia variegata, Commiphera mukul,Terminalia bellarica, Terminalia chebula and Emblica officinalis. All other ingredients present such as piper longum, piper nigrum, ellatarium cardamom etc act as catalyst in enhancing the action of chief ingredients. This product is also found helpful in other conditions such as wound healing, skin diseases , sinuses and fistula. This product is free from all sorts of side effects when consumed in correct mode. One has to follow a change in diet, lifestyle and yoga practice as well to ensure the best outcome with the use of this medicine. The proven effect of this medicine on clinical conditions such as thyroid disorders and tum ours tend to give an increased demand to this product.

                                              Kanchanar Guggulu


Benefits & Uses

This medicine is used in treating several clinical conditions and has several health benefits mentioned below:-

  1. Kanchanar Guggulu is used widely in Ayurveda for healing thyroid disorders. Clinical trials have proven excellent results in  treating both Hypo and hyperthyroidism
  2. Major issues such as Cancer have found excellent results with the use of this product.
  3. Research works has concluded that this product has capability to break kapha accumulation in several parts of the body, which acts as block in normal functioning. 
  4. The product easily helps in flushing lymphatic system of toxins, sluggishness and accumulated wastes.
  5. This medicine acts more on the kapha and pitta dosa of the body. 
  6. Traditionally this medicine is used for overcoming conditions such as Sore throat and Hemorrhoids
  7. As per ayurvedic classical texts, this medicine is predominantly "amanashaka". This means destruction of toxin that is produced by imbalanced body fire. 
 It is all these medicinal benefits, which is prompting ayurvedic physicians to opt for this product in several scenarios.

Ingredients & Chemical composition

The chief ingredients present in this preparation are Bauhinia variegata, Terminalia bellarica, Terminalia chebula, Embelia ribes, Zingiber officinale, Piper longum, Piper nigrum, Crataeva nurvala, Elletaria cardamom, Cinnamom zeylanica and Commiphera mukul. The term Kanchara guggulu is derived from two ingredients Kanchanar and Guggulu. Kanchanar bears the botanical name Bauhinia variegata and Guggulu bears the name Commiphera mukul. Kanchanara helps to pacify aggravated kapha dosa. It also helps in overcoming skin problems, tumours, haemorrhoids, menorrhagia, haemoptysis and cervical lymphadenopathy. It easily excretes vata dosa from body through the excretory system. Guggulu on the other hand has rejuvenating property. It acts as a perfect blood purifier. Thus, it helps in resolving skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis and skin rashes. It easily enhances the action of thyroid gland. It helps in burning body fat as well. The chief chemical constituents present in this medicine are beflavone, 5,7- dimethoxy-30, 40-methylene dioxy flavone, saponin and flavanoids.

Dosage & Administration

General dose of administration of this medicine is 2 tablets twice daily after food. It shall preferably be taken with luke warm water or decoction. This medicine shall be continued for a time period between 2 weeks to a month and reviewed. The time period and dosage varies between clinical conditions and is decided by the ayurvedic physician. This medicine has several health benefits and gives excellent outcome when taken in correct mode. This medicine is currently available only in tablet form. It can be crushed and mixed with decoction and consumed as well. While consuming this medicine avoid pungent food items such as black grams, lentils, hot foods, heavy oily foods, curd, yogurt, corn, canned food items, preserved foods and genetically modified foods. Take care to avoid meat, acidic foods, pickles, cold drinks, ice creams and exposure to excessive cold weather. Reduce the amount of salt in diet. Include more of green leafy vegetables, wheat, green gram soup and old cereals. When diet change is accompanied by a change in lifestyle, excellent outcome is observed.

Side effects/ Precautions

This medicine is purely herbal in nature and thus has no side effects. The ingredients present in this medicine are also of low potency but act steadily and effectively. They easily work in harmony with the human body system. When this medicine is taken in excessive dosage, it can be fatal to the body. This happens primarily due to presence of ingredients such as Commiphera mukul and Piper longum. They create burning sensation throughout the body, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea. It can cause loose stools, diarrhea, belching and hiccups as well. It easily causes allergic reactions such as rash and itching when overdosed. In hormone sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroid, care must be taken as not to consume over dosage. This is because in doing so the medicine creates an environment of over exposure to estrogens, which will worsen the condition. Although this medicine has no effect in pregnancy and lactation, it is better to avoid this medication at this period. Following all these precautions and procuring correct dosage will enable one to get the best outcome of this medicine.

Kanchanar guggulu Reviews

The first review given by the thyroid disorder patients is an improvement in the thyroxine level with the usage of this medicine following a month. It was also noted that the cancer patients claim this medicine to be of great help to them as it is seen to fight cancer at its best up to grade 3. Cancer patients has mentioned as a decrease in pain and associated symptoms with its use soon after 2 weeks. On the other hand, it was also observed that over dosage of this medicine was felt disappointing by the patients. Many patients increased dosage on their own believing the fact that this medicine is purely herbal and can consume in immense quantity for quick relief. However, such patients did undergo through symptoms of over dosage of this medicine as well. Burning sensation, stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, vomiting were a few as to mention. With all these, being said Kanchanara guggulu is accepted and used worldwide due to its miraculous results in healing several deadly clinical conditions.


For best results it is recommended that patient should consume this medicines with healthy diet, lifestyle and practice of yoga. Yoga is one of those procedures, which helps in relaxing both mind and body. Yoga when coupled with practices such as Pranayama is found to give miraculous results as well. Pranayama is one of those practice, which helps in improving oxygen supply to the entire body tissues which in-turn helps in creating an environment suitable for best functioning of this medicine. Yoga poses, which can be practiced by patients, include Sethubandhasana, Balasana, Vajrasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana. All these poses can be learned from an experienced yoga master or a naturopathist. These poses are seen to overcome several other clinical conditions other than the mentioned ones for kanchanara guggulu.  For instance, Sethubandhasana helps in improving digestion, relieves the symptoms of menopause and stretches the neck and spine. Balasana helps to calm the mind and relieves stress and fatigue. Thus, one can get the best benefit out of this miraculous preparation when coupled with yoga.

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